UTIL_DISK/FILE 800K.LZH 16384 02-15-93 800K Easy to use utility will increase the formatted size of a 360k DS DD disk to 800k using 1.2 meg AT disk drive. Works! AFL.LZH 65536 02-15-93 AUTO FILE LOADER V1.2 Unusual, remarkable powerful utility! AFL allows you to tag files or directory names then have them execute one after the other using a program you define. Using a batch file this becomes awsomely powerful! Highly recommended for music programs & LANS. ANYWORD.LZH 163840 02-15-93 ANYWORD AnyWord works with all ASCII or Wordstar files. Locate, copy chunks into new files and rapidly browse through your files. BIXUTIL.LZH 65536 02-15-93 BIX UTILITIES A collection of 18 general and specific disk utilities. CFC/fast encrypt/decrypt any file, timepark/parks the HD heads at timed intervals, dpath/allows DOS to access data files using the PATH. Many more, whereis, fdate, ramfree, remind, mapmem, portstat. BRM.LZH 98304 02-15-93 BROWSE MASTER V1.12 Full featured, easy to use file viewer. Many useful features, search, auto-scroll, mark & print text, EGA/VGA & mouse support, list file & directory tree view, build file lists to browse & much more! Top quality program! ASP BROWSE2.LZH 98304 02-15-93 BROWSE/2 1.34 An OS/2 Presentation Manager program for viewing files in ASCII or hexadecimal dump format. Like many of the Browse programs created for DOS this one is for use in the OS/2 environment. (ASP) CAMS.LZH 360448 02-15-93 CLEARANCE & ACCESS MONITORING Helps security managers who operate under DoD security regulations to maintain local records of clearances, access levels, and investigations of people requiring access to classified information. Government Agencies and Contractors may use CAMS. Rqs, 360k CLEANUP.LZH 16384 02-15-93 CLEAN-UP A simple program to detect and remove small, unused, lost, files from your disk. Handy for hard drive users. CNFMT106.LZH 49152 02-15-93 CON-FORMAT V1.06 Format disks in the "back ground" while you use your computer! Supports 180k, 360k, 720k, 1.2M & 1.4M formats & DOS 2.0 thru 4.01. Pop it up, insert blank disk, then continue what you were doing, When finished it lets you know. This is a good utility! ASP COMDO130.LZH 131072 02-15-93 FILE COMMANDER V1.30 Very nice file and disk utility. Allows you to run, list(view), copy, move, backup(archive), delete, change attributes, edit, print and rename file/dir's. Has built-in calculator and can be configured to be memory resident. COPYMAST.LZH 32768 02-15-93 COPYMASTER CopyMaster will make backup copies of copy protected disks. Copies most disks that CopyIIPC & Copywrite will not. Copies all formats. Now you can backup your programs even if they are copy protected! (Our tests confirm, it works where others fail.) COUTIL.LZH 212992 02-15-93 COLORADO UTILITIES 5 programs: Duplicate File Manager, Fast Find, File Set, Virtual Sort, Volume Labeler. ASP CSS.LZH 180224 02-15-93 CSSTOOLS 1.0 A collection of utilities including fast format, rename, as well search. ASP CUDM.LZH 344064 02-15-93 COLORADO UTILS DISK MANAGER Formerly part of disk #1843, reads any size disk and builds a catalog of all files (up to 7000), and then permits retreivals from the catalog to find and report info about those files. Prints listing. CUT.LZH 16384 02-15-93 FIELD CUT UTILITY Will cut out fields from each line of the files specified as input arguments. Example: CUT [lines 5-8], [columns 1-80]. Writes cut files to disk. More. DCAASM.LZH 16384 02-15-93 DISK CACHE Memory resident Hard disk cache. Speeds hard disk I/O by holding recently-accessed data in RAM. Occupies approx. 1200 bytes + memory reserved for cache. Excellent for HD users. DCD.LZH 16384 02-15-93 DCD 1.1 DcD is a utility to help you move about the Hard disk drive directories. When you run DcD, it scans your subdirectories and builds a tree. You then move your cursor to the desired directory and press the key to go there. DCF.LZH 49152 02-15-93 DISK COPY FAST 3.2 1-pass diskette duplicating utility. VERY fast: 42+% faster than DOS, 33+% faster than competing programs. Can FORMAT DISKCOPY DISKCOMP all in 1 pass. Optional BYTE-BY-BYTE comparison. One touch of hot key, Read once, write many diskettes & more. DCOPY20.LZH 32768 02-15-93 DCOPY PLUS This will make a one pass copy of a floppy disk of any media type to the same media or to another type so long as there is room. Will make multiple copies and even format if necessary. Create bootable copies even to different media. Rqs, HD. DELDIR.LZH 16384 02-15-93 DELETE DIRECTORIES Simple utility that will delete files, sub- directories, and directories all with one command. DIRECT45.LZH 327680 02-15-93 HARD DISK DIRECTOR V4.5 Full-featured directory/file shell & menu system, does the normal things plus more like hide/unhide, move/copy directory branches, locates, copies, renames, moves, views files & more. Complete hard disk menu system. Nice system! Self unarcs to 400k. ASP DISK4D.LZH 180224 02-15-93 DISK4D 3.03 Written for use with 4DOS. A disk cataloger and labeling utility. Features: Reads a floppy into memory and lets User save the data; Prints out 4X 1 7/16 or 3X 15/16 labels and catalogs. Rqs, 332k. ASP DISKCMDO.LZH 327680 02-15-93 DISK COMMANDO V2.10 Shareware answer to Norton Utilities. Norton like interface allows you to optimize hard drive, recover deleted files/dirs, sort disk dirs, unformat, disk test, & more! 17 utilities! (Unarcs to 515325k/includes unarc utility) Rqs. Hard drive. DISKDUP.LZH 81920 02-15-93 DISK DUPLICATOR 5.9A A disk duplicator package that speeds up the duplication of software disks by many times. It also manages disk duplication for you, increasing speed and quality control. Multiple can be produced very quickly. (ASP). DISKLIST.LZH 131072 02-15-93 DISKLIST 2.10 33 different formats for Diskette Covers & Label Producer. Produces diskette covers with the directory contents for 5.25 inch, 3.5 inch, and hard disks. Reads all sub- directories. Displays on the printer, screen or a file. Many customizing features. DISKTAG.LZH 131072 02-15-93 DISK TAG 2.41 A program to print your disk files on either a sleeve of a slip of paper to be inserted into the sleeve. It will also print the entire sleeve for you if you run out and need to make your own. Handy program! DISKVAC.LZH 49152 02-15-93 DISKVAC Excellent utility for cleaning hard drives. Compares every file in every directory against every file in every directory to look for duplicate files. Prompts you to select file to delete when it finds a match. The space wasted by dups will surprise you. DOG205C.LZH 49152 02-15-93 DISK ORGANIZER V2.05C As disk are used, files become fragmented, because DOS stores information anywhere it finds space. This utility increases disk speed by unfragmenting files & frees up space by removing deleted entries. Allows you to order the files & directories. DOS4PROS.LZH 278528 02-15-93 DOS EXTENSIONS FOR PROS DOS Extensions for Professionals includes: DIFF- differences between file versions, DUMP- Displays binary files, directories, disk sectors, FAT's, and luster chains, SEARCH- finds files, SPLIT- files, SUB- script generator, XDIR, XDEL. Handy! ASP DOSNIX.LZH 180224 02-15-93 DOSNIX 2.2 A UNIX style toolikit for MSDOS combines the most frequently used UNIX commands with some slick DOS utils to provide an extremely powerful operating environment. Includes versions of CAT, CP, CHMOD, LS, MV, MVDIR, RM, RN, TEE, TOUCH and much more. DTSEARCH.LZH 360448 02-15-93 DTSEARCH 1.12 Document search & retrieval program. Search features: boolean, proximity, wild cards, indexed/non-indexed/both, more! View retrieved files in overlapping windows, print, cut, paste, edit text. Works with ASCII, WordPerfect & Multimate. Nice program! ASP DWIZ.LZH 32768 02-15-93 DISK WIZ Neat program to display directory/sub- directories & other neat things. Switch printer ports, Typewriter mode, Text editor, character set, Set screen colors, change cursor, toggle sound, more. EIDOS.LZH 114688 02-15-93 ENCRYPT-IT 1.4 FOR DOS Encrypt-It's secure encryption routines are for protecting everything from private diaries to company proprietary data. EMCACHE.LZH 16384 02-15-93 EXPANDED MEMORY Expanded Memory Disk Cache for XT/AT hard disk. Increases disk read/write speeds by storing often used information. EXPERTLS.LZH 163840 02-15-93 EXPERT TOOLS 13 different programs dealing with files. Delete files in multiple directories, Delete all files in a directory except..., Displays list of all .BAT, .COM and .EXE files, Set the Hidden and Read Only attributes of files, and more! (ASP) EZF32.LZH 327680 02-15-93 EZ-FORMAT V3.2 Formats all common disk sizes, 4 testing methods, bad spot marking, continuous formatting even on multiple drives of different sizes, custom boot messages & volume labels, fully configurable, 70+ page manual & more! ASP FC10.LZH 32768 02-15-93 FILE COMPARE V1.0 Will list the differences between 2 ASCII files line by line. Finds all possible matching lines and never gets confused or unsynchronized. FILESAFE.LZH 294912 02-15-93 FILE SAFE 3.30 A self-activating backup/restore utility. All you do is tell it one time what you want baked up and how often. From then on, it takes over automatically. Includes an Anti-Virus Guard. (Requires 320k). FINDDUPE.LZH 16384 02-15-93 FIND-DUPES Simple utility that will read hard disk directories, then create a file showing all the duplicate files. You can then review them & delete them at your leisure. FLOP.LZH 16384 02-15-93 FLOP FAST A disk utility that increases floppy drives access times by as much as 30%. Changes the original, over-conservative head settle times and the wait for motor start, time. Works! FLSHBACK.LZH 98304 02-15-93 FLASHBACK MS-DOS, PC-DOS backup, file management utility. Backup data from HD to floppies or tape, use formatted or unformatted disk, browse entire directory tree, displays directory stats, online help, tag specific file categories, much more! Intuitive FORMATPL.LZH 114688 02-15-93 FORMAT MASTER 3.33 & FASTCOPY Menu driven interface, format all classes of disks, transfer system files, write volume label, perform quick formats, DD disk to 800k in 1.2 drive, format speed at 2x that of DOS. FastCopy reads source disk once then duplicates multiple copies. More! ASP FORMQ13.LZH 16384 02-15-93 FORMAT QUICK V1.3 Allows you to format large numbers of diskettes with no keyboard interaction. Can use more than 1 drive, will produce formatted, verified disk in any of 7 formats; 160k, 180k, 320, 360k, 720k, 1200k, and 1440k. GENGAP.LZH 163840 02-15-93 GENERATION GAP A file utility that compares two relative files to determine the difference between them. Identifies the way the file was then and now by marking lines as Inserts, Deletes, Is/Was pairs and moved pairs. Ideal for programmers. Rqs, 385k, DOS 3.0+. ASP HANDYDOS.LZH 131072 02-15-93 HANDYDOS 1.6 7 new DOS utilties. BAK Deletes all .BAK files, MV moves or renames files & directories, DELTREE deletes a directory and all files and subs, D changes drive by number, INPUT & ECH facilitate Batch menu selections, VMODE to set and find video modes. ASP HARDUTIL.LZH 344064 02-15-93 HARD DISK UTILITIES 9 programs to us for your hard drive. Avoid unexpectedly running out of disk space. Advanced Delete command. General purpose print utility. General search facility. Sets DOS attributes for files. And more! HARDUTL2.LZH 81920 02-15-93 HARD DISK UTILITIES II ALTER > Change file attributes, BACKSTAT > Tells which files haven't been backed up. CATALOG > Creates a sorted directory. DISKPARK > parks the hard disk, FREE > Displays free space on disk. GCOPY > Selective mass copy routine. HEDIT.LZH 16384 02-15-93 HEX EDITOR V1.0 Super little HEXADECIMAL file editor! Provides search, ASCII table, color attribute table, ability to "jump" to sectors all online! Warns before making any changes. Excellent public domain program! HELP1.LZH 163840 02-15-93 HELP! 4.33 1 of 2 Disks Help! is a program to get the most out of your Hard Disk based computer. It was originally conceived as a way to help beginners use their systems. Many unusual features such as being able to view up to 4 files at once. HELP2.LZH 98304 02-15-93 HELP! 4.33 2 of 2 Disks (continued) or edit up to 6 files at once make this a valuable tool. A 2 disk set. HTRIG.LZH 49152 02-15-93 HAIR TRIGGER 1.0 Hair trigger will assist you in writing macros and assigning key strokes to often used commands. IAU.LZH 147456 02-15-93 I.A.U. Interleave Adjustment Utility. Speed up the way your hard drive access information by as much as 30% . It will tell you what interleave your hard drive is it will set your interleave without effecting your data. INVIS.LZH 16384 02-15-93 INVISIBLE DISK If a non-DOS disk is left in the "A" drive when booting, you will receive a "NON DOS DISK ERROR". This program rewrites the boot sector of your data disk so that you can leave it in drive "A" and the hard drive will boot anyway! Reduces annoyment. JBTTOOL2.LZH 360448 02-15-93 JBT TOOLS V1.10 2 of 2 Disks ...a Multiple File Extension Deletion Program, and an Editor Designed for Batch Files. Unique, extremely handy collection of utilities! Nice programs! JBTTOOLS.LZH 262144 02-15-93 JBT TOOLS V1.10 1 of 2 Disks A collection of 7 DOS utility programs. Includes a DOS Shell with ZIP Management, a full-featured ASCII Text Editor, an ASCII file viewer, a fast File Finder, a Duplicate File Find/Delete Program (really useful for cleaning up a hard drive)... JLOCK.LZH 16384 02-15-93 J-LOCK Allows you to prevent chosen files from being copied, deleted, renamed, or changed in file attributes. Very handy if you have files you know you will never want lost or moved. Protects from global commands. (DEL, COPY, etc...) LIST75B.LZH 81920 02-15-93 BUERG'S LIST UTILITY V7.2A Definitive listing program. View\print files on disk. Search case sensitive or not, online help, scrolls by line\page, filters, tags, copy, del, move, rename, view archives, sort, and much, much, more! Lightning fast! Low RAM usage! Excellence! LITFORMT.LZH 81920 02-15-93 LITE FORMAT 1.20 A smaller version of the popular program Easy Format. Smaller, faster, and easier than the DOS format program. Also contains a version for DESQview. From Falk Data Systems. (ASP) LOCKOUT.LZH 65536 02-15-93 LOCK-OUT SECURITY SYSTEM Disables cntrl-c, cntrl-break, cntrl, alt, del, the only way to exit a program is by re- booting unless you have the password. Allows you to try to enter a password three times then sounds a LOUD alarm for about one minute if done incorrectly. LPTX700.LZH 49152 02-15-93 LPTX File utility that lets you capture anything that goes out of your printer port, into a disk file for later use. MANSHARE.LZH 344064 02-15-93 MAN SHAREWARE PROGRAMS Environment utility to check and display available space. Menu driven file manager utility. Laser printer utility for ASCII file with sixteen styles. Routine for batch files to produce user menu windows. Determine if a file is in PATH directory. (ASP) MASDIR1.LZH 360448 02-15-93 FILE MASDIR 1.10 1 of 2 Disks A combination of two programs: D\LIB is a powerful floppy disk file cataloging program featuring: easy menu, hot keys, split screen file selection, search, print functions, browse. It's a very simple and easy way to keep track of all your floppy disks.... MASDIR2.LZH 65536 02-15-93 FILE MASDIR 1.10 2 of 2 Disks ....DOS\U is a file utility program providing DOS functions for directories, file functions, Hard Disk File functions, file printing utilities and more! Rqs, HD. ASP MAXIDISK.LZH 65536 02-15-93 MAXI FORM 1.7 Utility that allows you to format 360k disk to 420k, 720k to 800k, 1.2 to 1.4 meg & 1.4 to 1.6 meg. After formatting will require no special drivers. Works! Like getting free disk space! ASP NEATFILE.LZH 65536 02-15-93 NEAT FILER Terminate and stay resident file and directory management can pop up in any application (graphics & text modes). Provides visual directory tree, statistics, and manipulations. Also, imports selected filenames into the current application. Very NJFIND.LZH 32768 02-15-93 NIFTY JAMES' FILE FIND 2.15 A file-finder utility. Works across all directories of a logical drive, and will even open DWC, ZIP, LZH, ZOO, PAK, ARJ, and ARC files to check them for matching filenames. It can also scan across different disk drives, if you so desire. ASP NJRAMD.LZH 49152 02-15-93 NIFTY JAMES' RAM DISK 1.30 A device driver that allows you to partition a part of your EMS or EEMS memory as an efficient, fast "RAM disk" drive. A RAM disk will allow you to store temporary files, intermediate files, and other information quickly. ASP NOTEWR.LZH 32768 02-15-93 NOTE WARE 1.0 Create, edit and retrieve up to 99 screensize notes. Less than 16k to run, automatically saves notes, word wrap, text search, load to high memory and text screen capture. ASP ONBOOT.LZH 16384 02-15-93 ON-BOOT Simple program designed for the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Allows Autoexec to run selected files only during a warm boot, a cold boot, or the first boot of the day. Example: you may want to run CHKDSK on the first boot of day, not every time you have to reboot. PALERT.LZH 32768 02-15-93 PALERT 2.4 PALERT watches disk freespace levels! If you have every been caught short on freespace at the wrong time, consider PALERT. Run it when you start your system, or before applications to insure you have sufficient hard disk freespace. ASP PARK.LZH 16384 02-15-93 PARK Allows you to park heads at track 0, for any drive. Use to protect data from jolts and crashes. PCBROWS1.LZH 131072 02-15-93 PC-BROWSE 1.01 1 of 2 Disks A pop up file scan and hypertext tool that lets you view, search, and link multiple files all while inside another application. You can print that information or paste it into your current program! It can be run RAM-resident PCBROWS2.LZH 81920 02-15-93 PC-BROWSE 1.01 2 of 2 Disks (uses 60k of RAM) or stand alone. Some sample applications to give you ideas are included such as an area code file, commonly misused words, a cross-reference section,etc. A 2 disk set. From the makers of PC-Write. PCOPY.LZH 114688 02-15-93 PCOPY 9.2B A COPY utility DOS should have provided! PCOPY's 75+ options include: move/update files, Multiple output disks, fill disks efficiently, split files across disks, select files by date/time /size, create/update/merge directories. And More! ASP PDELETE.LZH 65536 02-15-93 PDELETE 4.4 The delete DOS should have provided! PDELETE's 50+ options let you intelligently delete files!. Select by date/time, size, attribute, special wildcard patterns like *DISK*.* and more. Option to test command before use and Emergency stop feature! ASP PDQUTIL.LZH 98304 02-15-93 PDQ UTILITIES 1.31 A set of 4 utilties. SDC - A directory changer with options. SDL - A directory lister with options to sort, columns and vertical or horizontal display. GFF - file finder. FFV - A handy file viewer. Rqs, 256k, DOS 3.0+. PMK41.LZH 245760 02-15-93 PMK UTILITIES V4.1 Professional Master Key Utilities. Norton competitor. Unerase files, alter file attributes, edit files/sectors directly, zero files, sort file names, graphic disk layout, DOS 4.0 compatible, much, more! Top Quality! Archived, includes unarc utility. ASP POLYCOPY.LZH 65536 02-15-93 POLYCOPY 2.8 The ultimate replacement for Diskcopy. An easy to use program for making single-pass copies of diskettes, using available RAM, XMS memory and/or Hard Disk to store a complete "disk image". New TrashGuard RAM Integrity Protection. PSEARCH.LZH 98304 02-15-93 PSEARCH 5.2B Text search/replace program with over 50 options. Includes file viewer and program launcher. Find a file and then start your word processor with a keystroke! It has a scrollable display of found text. Menu/command operation with extensive help. ASP PUFF.LZH 49152 02-15-93 PUFF V3.05 Memory resident directory/file browser. Directory tree, copy/erase/rename/sort, view HEX, search, hex search, displays disk space, low mem usage (29 to 42k), list/browse files, context sensitive help. This & more while running another program!! PUTPASS1.LZH 16384 02-15-93 PUT PASSWORD A program that adds code to an executable file so that a pass word must be supplied before executing. Works only with .COM files. Easy to install into files. QDISK.LZH 98304 02-15-93 QDISK 5.11 Copy, delete, rename, move, view, search, edit (hex & text), print, compare, tag (for multiple function) files. Create, delete, rename, graft directories and directory trees. Change attributes and much more... Rqs, 56k. mouse optional. QDR.LZH 16384 02-15-93 QDR V3.2B Handy program to reformat a floppy in about 10 seconds. Can also change the volume label. QFILER31.LZH 98304 02-15-93 QFILER V3.1 X-TREE type hard disk management. Displays 2 sorted directories. Allows you to copy, delete, rename files/directories, move files, shell to DOS, add/delete sub-directories, backup files, print directories, set attributes, much more. Has online help. QUICKIE.LZH 32768 02-15-93 QUICKIE V1.0 Program for managing and retrieving information. Simply enter, QUICKIE FILENAME, and Quickie will allow you to highlight selected text, line by line, and write it to a disk file for later viewing. Very handy! REDUCER2.LZH 98304 02-15-93 THE REDUCER V1.20 Program frees hard disk space. Creates a menu of all directories, allows you to select any or all to be compressed or uncompressed, runs selected files. Menu shows which are compressed/which are not. Requires HD & Pkzip compression utility. (Disk #477) RUN.LZH 16384 02-15-93 R U N Just type RUN [File Name] from any drive and RUN will find it and run it. Just put RUN in the path then run any program from anywhere. Very handy. SAFEPACK.LZH 65536 02-15-93 SAFEPACK 1.2 A disk defragmenter, Optimizer, Organizer, Compacter, Utility. For MS DOS 2.0 - 5.0 and or DR DOS up to 6.0. Used to place your files in a contiguous area. Numerous options allow files and directories to be sorted into almost any order. ASP SCOUT44.LZH 147456 02-15-93 SCOUT V4.4 Multi-featured TSR disk manager. Run programs from within scout, format/print text, print graphic screens, display calendar, tag files, wildcard support, set time/date for files/system, display ASCII table, move, copy, delete & more! ASP SECURASE.LZH 16384 02-15-93 SECURE ERASE This program will completely remove any program from a disk, not just the directory. Insures that deleted data cannot be retrieved. SEE.LZH 163840 02-15-93 SEE 2.12A Several handy freeware programs. Browse and print files (on any printer), Set up a DOS shell with UNLIMITED menus, Create an on-disk magazine, Document and integrate your programs. Great for Shareware, freeware and commercial authors. SEEKEASE.LZH 98304 02-15-93 SEEKEASY Very easy to use, flexible match, retrieval program. Search a character or string then it returns the "best matches", it finds in the order of match quality. Allows you to edit, delete, etc., data in files. With Seekeasy, close is good enough! Works well! SLEEVEMK.LZH 49152 02-15-93 SLEEVE MAKER Here's an unusual program. Ever lose the sleeves for your disks? Well here is a program to make as many as you want! SLICE.LZH 16384 02-15-93 SLICE V5.0 Handy utility for splitting large files into smaller segments. Very useful if you need to transfer a large file using a low density 5 1/4 drive. Splits 'em up, then joins them back together. If you need it, it's invaluable! SMOOTH.LZH 32768 02-15-93 SMOOTH SCROLL File listing utility with a difference. Smoothly scrolls lines up the screen at the speed you control. Allows you read as the screen scrolls. Has lightning fast search features. Works well. SPEEDBAK.LZH 81920 02-15-93 SPEEDBAK 2.1 A fast, user friendly disk defragmenter. Using a special algorithm to minimize movement of data, files are moved to the front of the disk and placed in contiguous clusters. It works on any size drives. Rqs, 512k, DOS 2.1 or greater. ASP SSS.LZH 16384 02-15-93 SECURITY SCRAMBLE V1.01 Encrypt files for security. Simply run program enter name of file and encrypt/decrypt. Prevents your files from being read. SYDEX1.LZH 344064 02-15-93 SYDEX UTILITIES 9/3/92 A fast quick disk copier - COPYQM, a mass diskette formatter - FORMATQM, a pop-up formatter - CONFORMAT, and ANADISK the complete diskette utility that will scan, edit repair and copy just about any kind of disk. TEDPLUS.LZH 32768 02-15-93 TINY EDITOR PLUS The Tiny Editor from PC-MAG. Tiny ASCII editor with adequate features would be great for editing batch files and short notes. Though small, this is an excellent little editor! TO.LZH 16384 02-15-93 TO Nifty replacement for CD command. Program creates a file containing all of the dir's and paths on each drive. To change drives say, TO A, to change dir, say TO DIRNAME, To will find the directory no matter where or how deep ,and make it the current drive. TWNCOPY.LZH 114688 02-15-93 TWIN COPY Copy II PC Clone! This program seems to work well at unprotecting a wide range of software. TXT2COM.LZH 16384 02-15-93 TEXT TO COM/RES V2.0 Easily convert ASCII text files into displayable, scrollable, COM or memory resident files. Allows the use of colors in text and function keys for creating menu driven text files. Easy to use, works well! ZDIR100.LZH 32768 02-15-93 ZIPPY DIRECTORIES V1.0 A vast improvement over the DOS, DIR command. Supports all normal DOS commands, supports wildcards, can limit displays to only EXE or non-EXE files, control display via function keys, displays file attributes, first letter/text string searches, much more! ZULUDISK.LZH 98304 02-15-93 ZULU DISK UTILITIES 2.02 9 utilities. BEEP.COM-beeps your PC speaker, BORDER.EXE-screen border color, CCD-change directory with only a few letters, COPI.EXE- fast copy clone, DDIR.EXE-fast directory listing, DELFILE.COM-delete files, DOIT.COM- command line, TREE1.EXE-tree, more!